Sunday 28 April 2013

Interpersonal Communication Barriers

To communicate effectively and ethically, interpersonal communication barriers need to be overcome. You need to recognise the barriers and examine the ways that you will overcome those barriers.

Although barriers need to be addressed it is vital for business success to understand interpersonal communication. DeKay (2012) identified interpersonal communication skills as critical attributes for new employees and more experienced workers seeking promotions. (p. 449)

To be a successful communicator, the receiver needs to understand the message as intended from the sender. You can improve the likeliness of communicating successfully by recognising some of the barriers that may disrupt the communication process. The main barriers being, bypassing, lack of language skills, distractions and differing frames of reference.  

Bypassing is a main barrier than can effect communication. Both the receiver and the sender must have the same symbolic meaning attached to the words that are being communicated otherwise miscommunication will occur.

Language skills are another important barrier that effects communication. If the receiver doesn't have the vocabulary of the sender, than the message in itself may not be able to be de-coded. Other basic issues like grammar, formality and jargon can all lead to miscommunication if both the sender and receiver aren't on the same level of communication.

Other interferences can include distractions, such as, physical distractions, digital distractions or an emotional interference. All of these distractions can shape a message in the wrong way, therefore not communicating effectively. Clear communication requires focussing on what’s important to the individual and shutting out other interruptions until you have completed your task.

Everybody has their own frames of reference. You will bring your own judgements and experiences into the equation without even realising it, even if it is not what’s best for the business. To communicate ethically you need to have a clear mind and be able to take what the receiver is communicating and be able to justify the statements with evidence. As everyone’s frame of reference is different, no two people will ever read the communication exactly the way it is meant to be delivered.  

Technology may not be an interpersonal communication barrier; however it is definitely a communication barrier that creates many issues daily. The technology that is readily available to us now is vast, and to be a great communicator you need to embrace the technology and use it to the businesses advantage. Nowadays there are communication devices such as; cell phones, home phones, work phones and pagers. You have the ability to use social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumbler, and still have the ability to use Emails and Skype for long distance calls and video conferencing. Technology needs to be embraced by all.

Winmar & Olynk (2012) have made the observation that technology needs to be embraced. Back in 2008, a multinational company’s business plan fell through due to communication barriers resulting in a business falling:

Fast-forward 10 months, Buffett notices an icon on his phone and asks his daughter what it means. She explains that it indicates he has a voice mail and helps him check the message.  It was from Barclays, following up with the details of the Lehman Brothers conversation from 10 months earlier. Barclays didn't send the fax, and Buffett didn't check his voice mail — a communication barrier. Or, in this case, a communication failure of grand scale. (p. 33)


DeKay, S. (2012). Interpersonal communication in the workplace: A largely unexplored region. Business Communication Quarterly75(4), 449-452. Doi:10.1177/1080569912458966

Guffey, M., & Loewy, D. (2011). Business communication: Process & product (7th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Winmar, D., & Olynk, N. (2012). Communication barriers: Identify them, overcome them!. Agri Marketing, 50(5), 33. Retrieved from

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