Friday 29 March 2013

Blog Creation & Entry

When comparing the essays; 'Beyond the Glass: The Challenge of  Flight Attendant Rosters' by Jane Citizen (Essay A) and 'The Challenges of the Airline Industry' by John Doe (Essay B) there were a few factors that made Essay A  considerably better than Essay B.

  • Reference List and In-Text Citation
Essay A used the formal referencing guidelines as well as the correct in-text citation in comparison to Essay B, who used an informal bibliography along with references that are not always a great source of information i.e. Wikipedia.

  •       Formal Report Structure

In regards to the structure of the report, Essay A did significantly better than Essay B. It has an Executive Summary as well as good content organisation and a Conclusion.  As Essay B has no structure, the report is quite difficult to read.

  •       Effective Writing Style

Effective writing style consists of;

>   Using active voice and consistent tense
>   Avoiding the use of first person pronouns
>   Using transition words to link sentences
>   Using a variety of coherence techniques

Essay B used first personal pronouns throughout the report. You can use first person in a short report, however the use of the first person tense throughout the report made it overall, very informal.
Essay B used many effective writing styles by using a variety of coherence techniques and using transition words to link the sentences.

Overall, both Essays were good however I believe that Essay A ‘Beyond the Gloss: The Challenge of Flight Attendant Rosters’ was the better Report in this case. The report was well structured, easy to read, firm tense throughout and used the correct form of referencing. As Essay B was quite informal, when compared to Essay A, it didn't stand out as a formal structured report. 

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